연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 미래소재: 태양광 에너지 활용 소재 기술
발표장 제5회장
논문코드 1L5-2
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 14:25-14:50
논문제목 Impact of Symmetry-Breaking of Non-Fullerene Acceptors for Efficient and Stable Organic Solar Cells
발표자 김봉수
발표자 소속 울산과학기술원
저자 김봉수
소속 울산과학기술원
논문초록 Here we report efficient and stable organic solar cells (OSCs) based on the asymmetric non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) IPC-BEH-IC2F. The NFA consists of the weak electron-donor core dithienothiophen[3.2-b]-pyrrolobenzothiadiazole (BEH) and two strong electron-acceptor (A) units [9H-indeno[1,2-b]pyrazine-2,3-dicarbonitrile (IPC) and 2-(5,6-difluoro-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-ylidene)malononitrile (IC2F)]. For comparison, the symmetric IPC-BEH-IPC and IC2F-BEH-IC2F were also characterized. Photovoltaic devices based on p-type polymer:NFA blends with PBDB-T and PM6 polymers were fabricated. PBDB-T:IPC-BEH-IC2F device displayed the best photovoltaic properties because the IPC unit provides balanced electronic and morphological characteristics. Importantly, the PBDB-T:IPC-BEH-IC2F device exhibited the best long-term stability owing to the strongly interacting IPC moiety and the densely packed PBDB-T:IPC-BEH-IC2F film.